Green Initiatives

Concept Save the world save environment The world is in the


The Green Initiatives of CLA finds its roots in 2016 during the DLSU No Impact Experiment. It was a one-week carbon cleanse program that aimed to encourage small acts that could reduce climate change impact, protect our planet, and enhance the quality of our life. In 2021, the CLA relaunched and expanded this program to be our modest response to the 17 UN SDGs and the DLSU Environmental Sustainability Policy. This advocacy program seeks to integrate environmental awareness and climate actions into both curricular and extra-curricular activities. Our college has carefully mapped its implementation into four action plans as part of this year’s strategic goals.

First, through a series of issue awareness campaigns by inviting notable and renowned speakers, we shall engage our students to think of their own best solutions and innovation through mentorship and social research formation. There will be Green Sustainability Challenge that shall serve as platform to incubate these ideas deriving from best practices around the world or from novel and ingenious ideas of our young generation and to make it feasible and achievable within our own contexts and realities.

Second, we shall identify partner communities such as ecotourism sites, agricultural cooperatives, protected forests, farmlands, and coastal villages of which indigenous people and local citizens partake and become lead agents.

Third, we shall continue to dialogue and lobby with government agencies attached to climate change action and UN Sustainability Goals to influence policy formulations and program implementation with industry leaders, NGOs, and cause-oriented groups.

Lastly, we shall make these entire initiatives truly sustainable through the years regardless of change in the administration or leadership by placing short- and long-term goals and by enacting a covenant within our community in CLA and DLSU to make these happen.

Cluster Lead

Dr. Jose Victor Jimenez

Assistant Dean for External Affairs & Lasallian Mission

Associate Professor, Department of History

Dr. Elenita dlR. Garcia

Associate Provost & Full Professor, Department of Philosophy

Team leader





Book chapters

Service Learning

Partnerships and advocacy


Professional learning community

De La Salle University

Manila Campus

De La Salle University has been listed in the prestigious Times Higher Education Subject Rankings 2024 for Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences. This is the first time that DLSU entered the Arts & Humanities ranking, securing a place in the 600+ bracket and making it as the leading private university in the Philippines in this category. This is indeed a remarkable milestone for the College of Liberal Arts as this is an affirmation of its pursuit to produce outstanding publications and creative works that enrich our culture, define our identity, and embrace our humanity.

For 5 consecutive years, DLSU has been recognized as one of the best universities in the field of Social Sciences and has recently been placed within the 800+ bracket. Congratulations to all the faculty, students, and fellow administrators for their exceptional contributions and commitment in realizing this goal.

Animo La Salle!